
Hello, I’m a Senior UX Designer and Researcher with a background in UI and Fine Arts. I progressed to study and work on software products, approaching first User Interface design and later narrowed my focus exclusively to User Experience.

I think the possibilities of user research and usability testing are powerful tools to create successful products, matching users needs and business objectives. I never stop learning and I’m interested in facing new challenges. I value creativity but also the ability to arrive at the point quickly and get the job done.

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2021 – 2024

Lead UX – MediaMonks

In my current role as Lead UX for the Starbucks ecosystem, I steer the design direction for both the native EMEA app and Progressive Web App (PWA). My approach involves managing end-to-end UX projects, from defining goals and KPIs to overseeing qualitative and quantitative research, planning wireframing and prototype approaches, and cultivating a strong face-to-face client relationship. I hold a key role in continuous improvement, supervising activities like AB testing and user testing planning.

(Former) Senior UX Designer

In my previous position at MediaMonks, I was entrusted with the UX Research and UX Design responsibilities at McLaren Automotive. This included shaping the user experience for their global website, car configurator, and various applications.

2020 – 2021

UX Designer & Researcher – Freelance

UX specialist focused on user research, wireframing, and prototyping. Research techniques include qualitative and quantitative research such as moderated and unmoderated user interviews, user testing, survey, and analytics.

Check my LinkedIn for insights

2019 – 2020

UX Design Diploma – UX Design Institute (Dublin) Ireland

The learning program focused on UX research techniques applied through the double-diamond process. The main subjects included: competitive benchmarks, qualitative and quantitative research such as moderated and unmoderated usability testing, card sorting, tree testing, survey, analytics. The course covered the research development steps, through personas and customer journey maps, as well as prototyping and wireframing.

2015 – 2019

Head of Creative – LoopMe

Leading research and development of new technologies implemented in multimedia mobile advertising. The role focused on improving audience targeting, through machine learning, AB testing, and analytics.

2012 – 2014

UX/UI Designer – Vidiemme Consulting

Hybrid UX/UI designer for websites and apps. The role focused on designing B-to-B software for leading pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca.

2010 – 2011

Web Design Diploma – cfpBauer (Milan) Italy

Training including Ul design and UX fundamentals for desktop and mobile, typography, and design principles. Advanced study of software such as Sketch and design system maintenance and implementation.

2007 – 2009

BA Graphic – Fine Arts Acad. of Brera (Milan )Italy

Study of traditional graphics arts, art history, anatomy, 3D sculpting, experimental interactive media, and video art.

UX Books


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